
Do a special type of colon cleanse with saline laxative like Epsom salt

Colon Cleansing: Do a special type of colon cleanse with saline laxative like Epsom salt, olive oil and lemon juice. Added to that are anti-yeast herbs like caprylic acid, oil of oregano, and pau d'arco. More vital is to eliminate beta glucuronidase enzymes that prevents phase II liver detoxification and elimination of estrogen with calcium d-glucarate. D-glucarate breaks down glucuronidase produced by the bad bacteria in the colon. They preserve glucuronic acid which is necessary for conjugation and elimination of spent estrogen in the liver. Otherwise estrogen is reabsorbed into the circulation where it goes back and causes further harm.
Aromatization Blocker (Aromatase Inhibitors): Aromatization is a process of turning one hormone into another. Testesterone is responsible for both male and female libido. It is also necessary to stimulate sperm production in males. Therefore, aromatase inhibitor will prevent testesterone from turning into harmful estrogen. An aromatase inhibitor is also necessary in blocking testesterone from turning into dehydrotestesterone which is the hormone responsible for hair loss in both male and females. Dehydrotestesterone (and estrogen) are also responsible for prostate cancer in males. By the way, prostate is the male equivalent to the uterus. MYOMIN is the ultimate aromatase inhibitor. Myomin is a blend of four Chinese herbs developed by Dr. Chi who was a researcher with the Park Davis Drug Company. Myomin is also anti-inflammatory and can stimulate interleukin 6 (IL6) and tumor necrosis factor that can shrink fibroids and ovarian cysts. Combating inflammation is central to any disease management. Myomin can also blocks estrogen receptors.
Estrogen Receptor Blockers: You must block estrogen at the receptor sites. Without receptors, estrogens will no have any effect at the target organs. Receptors are surface proteins that modulate the internal activities of estrogens to minimize their damaging effects. Myomin is a non-selective estrogen receptor blocker. It is better than tamoxifen which is a selective estrogen receptor blocker and only works in the breast and not the reproductive organs and fat cells. By the way fat cells manufacture estrogens themselves and myomin can block this process also.
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