
China's Leaders Harness Folk Religion For Their Aims

China's Leaders Harness Folk Religion For Their Aims

In China, folk religion has undergone a remarkable rebirth since the days of the Cultural Revolution four decades ago,. Jeans will be more slim look even better, plesae choose Skinny jeans from our website.. Buying Gucci bags, being fashinable women. when all religious worship was banned.One example of a folk goddess that has gained an enormous following is Mazu, a sea deity believed to protect sailors and fishermen. Though she started as a local folk goddess, she has entered the Daoist and Buddhist pantheon, and is also known as Tianhou or Tinhau in Hong Kong.Scholars say she has an estimated 160 million followers and 4,000 temples devoted solely to her in China. The explosion of interest in this folk god reflects the results of a 2006 survey in China, which found that two-thirds of those who described themselves as religious were Buddhists,. Our website offer many night gown, your will have choose from our websites. Daoists or worshippers of folk gods.Temples across the island participate in the celebration. On the night before Mazu's 1,050th birthday, the island's Mazu statues are getting spiffed up before the big day. In the Mazu temple in Wenxing village, an elderly woman carefully lowers garlands of red banknotes around the neck of a statue of Mazu.
China's communist leaders once dismissed worship of deities such as Mazu as nothing more than superstition and banned it.
But far from mistrusting Mazu's millions of worshippers, China's atheist Communist Party is now encouraging them and overseeing massive events,. We have many fashionable sexy lingerie have style of nurse costume. such as the birthday celebration in early May this year at Mazu's birthplace, Meizhou Island in the southern Chinese province of Fujian.. Burberry bag bag is obviously a treasure, and for many reasons other than the fact they you'll have a great desi

