
What's in the new Ford Focus?

Your old jeans
With all the new uses for old jeans, it's a wonder that we'll have enough.

Tons - literally - of old jeans have gone into making eco-friendly building insulation.
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"The good news is these jeans didn't end up in a landfill, nor did we use the water, fertilizer and land to grow virgin cotton," said Carrie Majeske,For your inner rock n' roll girl, the Jimmy Choo Patent Suede shoulder bag is perfect with its shiny black leather and many pockets and zipped places. With golden zippers and a subtle watered down black hue..You can truly enjoy best excellence and diversity at really cheap wholesale Jimmy Choo lots.Since you won`t go for washing every Karen millen week as you`re working, you must take a lot of trousers with diversity so that you can attempt those all out for at least one month. Ford's product sustainability manager, in a press release.
Ford says that each Focus will use roughly two pairs of average-sized American jeans, based on pounds of cotton used per yard of denim and the yards of denim used to make a pair of jeans.
"The use of recycled clothing is one step, but what else are people discarding that could be used in our vehicles?" she said. "Ford is determined to find out."
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