Artistic Licence
Artistic licence should not to be confused with the more licentious artistic license (spelled with an 's'), that legitimises mis-statements of fact.. Our website offer many night gown, your will have choose from our websites. It's more like having a drivers licence, with which you can endanger the public, open a bank account and identify yourself conveniently. With artistic licence you can be quite offensive and get away with it; without artistic licence you need to be a lot more careful.
Artistic licences are distantly related to the so-called 'artistic merit' defence,. Burberry bag bag is obviously a treasure, and for many reasons other than the fact they you'll have a great desi on which you may need to rely should you be prosecuted for offences such as publicly cultivating a garden bed in the shape of a hammer and sickle, like Morgan (in the film of the same name).
The current theory - if that's not too grand a name for it - is that works of art are not like other things. They are objects with a very peculiar intrinsic goodness of such purity and potency that they are priceless, as well as quite expensive. This intrinsic quality (so they say) is why they can sometimes get away with being quite offensive despite being morally disgusting or racially vilifying or politically inflammatory.
To get away with such offences requires artistic licence and an ability. We have many fashionable sexy lingerie have style of nurse costume. to summon major players from a branch of the entertainment industry into court to assure the jury that, despite the evidence before their very eyes, the object in the dock is not disgusting or vilifying or inflammatory because it has artistic merit.
The members of the jury will of course be mystified. 'Why,' they may well ask, 'can't this thing have artistic merit and be disgusting or vilifying,. Buying Gucci bags, being fashinable women. or inflammatory? Why can't we just order it to be destroyed,. Jeans will be more slim look even better, plesae choose Skinny jeans from our website. and then send its author to prison as we normally would? To which the baffling answer will be 'Because if it has artistic merit, then it is not disgusting or vilifying or inflammatory'.
Artistic licence should not to be confused with the more licentious artistic license (spelled with an 's'), that legitimises mis-statements of fact.. Our website offer many night gown, your will have choose from our websites. It's more like having a drivers licence, with which you can endanger the public, open a bank account and identify yourself conveniently. With artistic licence you can be quite offensive and get away with it; without artistic licence you need to be a lot more careful.
Artistic licences are distantly related to the so-called 'artistic merit' defence,. Burberry bag bag is obviously a treasure, and for many reasons other than the fact they you'll have a great desi on which you may need to rely should you be prosecuted for offences such as publicly cultivating a garden bed in the shape of a hammer and sickle, like Morgan (in the film of the same name).
The current theory - if that's not too grand a name for it - is that works of art are not like other things. They are objects with a very peculiar intrinsic goodness of such purity and potency that they are priceless, as well as quite expensive. This intrinsic quality (so they say) is why they can sometimes get away with being quite offensive despite being morally disgusting or racially vilifying or politically inflammatory.
To get away with such offences requires artistic licence and an ability. We have many fashionable sexy lingerie have style of nurse costume. to summon major players from a branch of the entertainment industry into court to assure the jury that, despite the evidence before their very eyes, the object in the dock is not disgusting or vilifying or inflammatory because it has artistic merit.
The members of the jury will of course be mystified. 'Why,' they may well ask, 'can't this thing have artistic merit and be disgusting or vilifying,. Buying Gucci bags, being fashinable women. or inflammatory? Why can't we just order it to be destroyed,. Jeans will be more slim look even better, plesae choose Skinny jeans from our website. and then send its author to prison as we normally would? To which the baffling answer will be 'Because if it has artistic merit, then it is not disgusting or vilifying or inflammatory'.