Welcome to the bandwagon fashionmentalists
Another issue is the much-maligned plastic bag. In South Australia, where plastic shopping bags will thankfully be banned this year, retailers trialling the abolition are reporting furious customers hurling abuse. Shoppers are even storming out of stores,. We have many fashionable sexy lingerie have style of nurse costume.. Our website offer many night gown, your will have choose from our websites. leaving their groceries behind. Surely if we were all as green as we bang on about,. Jeans will be more slim look even better, plesae choose Skinny jeans from our website. we'd have a reusable bag or be happy to fork out a couple of bucks to buy a few?
Good on the South Australian Government for forcing such a big behavioural change. No longer will people in that state have to endure shoppers parading out of stores with one teeny item carried in a plastic bag.
If only governments were prepared to take a harder line with other things - such as cars and whitegoods. Recently, hubby and I had to buy a new dishwasher and washing machine, and set off to find the most water - and energy - efficient models on the market. Problem is, they are often one or the other, but rarely both. As we discovered there's still some real energy and water guzzlers out there. A labelling scheme and consumer education are all well and good, but governments need to set stricter efficiency rules for what can be marketed in Australia, and . Burberry bag bag is obviously a treasure, and for many reasons other than the fact they you'll have a great desiforce manufacturers to meet them.. Buying Gucci bags, being fashinable women. Otherwise it's near impossible for consumers to do the right thing
Another issue is the much-maligned plastic bag. In South Australia, where plastic shopping bags will thankfully be banned this year, retailers trialling the abolition are reporting furious customers hurling abuse. Shoppers are even storming out of stores,. We have many fashionable sexy lingerie have style of nurse costume.. Our website offer many night gown, your will have choose from our websites. leaving their groceries behind. Surely if we were all as green as we bang on about,. Jeans will be more slim look even better, plesae choose Skinny jeans from our website. we'd have a reusable bag or be happy to fork out a couple of bucks to buy a few?
Good on the South Australian Government for forcing such a big behavioural change. No longer will people in that state have to endure shoppers parading out of stores with one teeny item carried in a plastic bag.
If only governments were prepared to take a harder line with other things - such as cars and whitegoods. Recently, hubby and I had to buy a new dishwasher and washing machine, and set off to find the most water - and energy - efficient models on the market. Problem is, they are often one or the other, but rarely both. As we discovered there's still some real energy and water guzzlers out there. A labelling scheme and consumer education are all well and good, but governments need to set stricter efficiency rules for what can be marketed in Australia, and . Burberry bag bag is obviously a treasure, and for many reasons other than the fact they you'll have a great desiforce manufacturers to meet them.. Buying Gucci bags, being fashinable women. Otherwise it's near impossible for consumers to do the right thing