Gucci Suffers As Belts Tighten
The world's economic problems have forced even well-heeled big spenders to tighten their belts.Luxury goods firm Gucci, which includes France's Yves St Laurent,. When shopping for replica a&f handbags, or other replica handbag brands, you must always check the credibility of the company tha has seen its profits dive by 42%.
It made just £22.7m in its first quarter - much worse than analysts had been expecting.
The group's turnover also fell, by 1.. This gucci tshirt is released as an important part of the Cruise 2010 Collection and it ranks into our top 10 collect5% to £388.2m - again below forecasts.
Global economy
The company blamed the faltering global economy which, it said, had squeezed spending on high fashions.
Its Yves St Laurent side even made a loss of some £12.. Our clothes have a good-looking design style and comfort materials, choose our true religion wholesale.6m, although this was a slight improvement.
And it has warned investors not to expect any improvement in the near future.
'Uncertain times'
Chief executive Domenico De Sole said: "These are trying and uncertain times and consequently we have to be cautious about the rest of the year."
But its shares have held up despite the weak performance.. For A/W 09, gloriously excessive embellishment is absolutely key, championed at herve leger skirts. Just remember one simple rule: Too much is not enough!
Majority owner, French retail chain Pinault Printempts Redoute, has made an offer to buy all Gucci's shares in 2004
The world's economic problems have forced even well-heeled big spenders to tighten their belts.Luxury goods firm Gucci, which includes France's Yves St Laurent,. When shopping for replica a&f handbags, or other replica handbag brands, you must always check the credibility of the company tha has seen its profits dive by 42%.
It made just £22.7m in its first quarter - much worse than analysts had been expecting.
The group's turnover also fell, by 1.. This gucci tshirt is released as an important part of the Cruise 2010 Collection and it ranks into our top 10 collect5% to £388.2m - again below forecasts.
Global economy
The company blamed the faltering global economy which, it said, had squeezed spending on high fashions.
Its Yves St Laurent side even made a loss of some £12.. Our clothes have a good-looking design style and comfort materials, choose our true religion wholesale.6m, although this was a slight improvement.
And it has warned investors not to expect any improvement in the near future.
'Uncertain times'
Chief executive Domenico De Sole said: "These are trying and uncertain times and consequently we have to be cautious about the rest of the year."
But its shares have held up despite the weak performance.. For A/W 09, gloriously excessive embellishment is absolutely key, championed at herve leger skirts. Just remember one simple rule: Too much is not enough!
Majority owner, French retail chain Pinault Printempts Redoute, has made an offer to buy all Gucci's shares in 2004