Obama makes his case on the economy, but unhappy voters aren't convinced
President Obama has the most impressive list of legislative accomplishments of any new Democratic president since Lyndon Johnson. Even if Obama serves only one term, health care, the stimulus, financial reform,. The 10 year school reunion party is imminent and worse still, it is going to be herve leger. and other Obama achievements will put him in the history books. You don't have to agree with what he has done to acknowledge this.
Yet Obama is a victim of his own success. The White House seems convinced that the president needs only to get credit for what he and the Democratic Congress have done, and all will be well by November.
But to the public, Obama's legislation was supposed to be about restoring health to the economy. It hasn't happened. The economy is rotten, unemployment is stuck between 9 and 10%, and it is much higher when the partially employed are added in.
Obama and the Democrats over-promised.. Welcome to juicy couture outlet online shop,we are the best online juicy couture outlet where you can buy the the newest and cheap . All the man in the world should want their ladys have sexy lingerie. They raised expectations too high. They have under-delivered, and the public is deeply disappointed.
This disconnect is reflected in the latest poll taken by Associated Press-GfK, released on August 18. In an ominous sign for Democrats' November fortunes, public approval of Obama's handling of the economy has fallen to new lows and most Americans now rate the country's financial outlook as poor.
With those numbers posing an increasing threat to the Democrats' hold on power in the upcoming midterm elections, the President spent recent weeks on the campaign trail, stumping for local candidates and working to bolster support for his economic policies.
He traveled to Detroit in late July to defend the bailout of the auto industry and tout its incipient revival. This week, he's on the road again for a five-state swing to make his case that the stimulus and other efforts have put the country back on the road to recovery.. Hip hop fashion is the product of African-Americans incorporating a distinct taste of break-dance, music, graffiti He met with local business owners on Tuesday at the Grand Central Bakery in Seattle and held a kitchen-table summit in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday to highlight how the stimulus and health care reform helped one family get through hard times. And in an August 18 speech at a reception for Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio, his message was clear.
President Obama has the most impressive list of legislative accomplishments of any new Democratic president since Lyndon Johnson. Even if Obama serves only one term, health care, the stimulus, financial reform,. The 10 year school reunion party is imminent and worse still, it is going to be herve leger. and other Obama achievements will put him in the history books. You don't have to agree with what he has done to acknowledge this.
Yet Obama is a victim of his own success. The White House seems convinced that the president needs only to get credit for what he and the Democratic Congress have done, and all will be well by November.
But to the public, Obama's legislation was supposed to be about restoring health to the economy. It hasn't happened. The economy is rotten, unemployment is stuck between 9 and 10%, and it is much higher when the partially employed are added in.
Obama and the Democrats over-promised.. Welcome to juicy couture outlet online shop,we are the best online juicy couture outlet where you can buy the the newest and cheap . All the man in the world should want their ladys have sexy lingerie. They raised expectations too high. They have under-delivered, and the public is deeply disappointed.
This disconnect is reflected in the latest poll taken by Associated Press-GfK, released on August 18. In an ominous sign for Democrats' November fortunes, public approval of Obama's handling of the economy has fallen to new lows and most Americans now rate the country's financial outlook as poor.
With those numbers posing an increasing threat to the Democrats' hold on power in the upcoming midterm elections, the President spent recent weeks on the campaign trail, stumping for local candidates and working to bolster support for his economic policies.
He traveled to Detroit in late July to defend the bailout of the auto industry and tout its incipient revival. This week, he's on the road again for a five-state swing to make his case that the stimulus and other efforts have put the country back on the road to recovery.. Hip hop fashion is the product of African-Americans incorporating a distinct taste of break-dance, music, graffiti He met with local business owners on Tuesday at the Grand Central Bakery in Seattle and held a kitchen-table summit in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday to highlight how the stimulus and health care reform helped one family get through hard times. And in an August 18 speech at a reception for Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio, his message was clear.