
Tracing a D.C. Neighborhood's Comeback from 1968

Tracing a D.C. Neighborhood's Comeback from 1968

It has taken 40 years to undo the damage from a few days of rioting in Washington, D.C. The U Street corridor was decimated after fires set in riots following the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968.

"They said, 'You burned it up, you live with it,. Welcome to juicy couture outlet online shop,we are the best online juicy couture outlet where you can buy the the newest and cheap '" lifelong resident Stanley Mayes says.. They may purchase their prom dresses from specialized shops, boutiques, or internet retailers. There are many specialty labels selling p "There's a few of us around who still know the sordid details as to how this place came back from the abyss."

The smoke from the fires was so bad you couldn't breathe, Mayes says.

Now the area is marked by construction sites, an upscale wine shop and a luxury apartment building that has a sushi counter on the first floor.. We take pride in our designs, quality, customer service, and Canada goose parka our favors have on your customers and their guests.

And there's Ben's Chili Bowl, one of the only businesses to survive all the hard times since the riot. NPR invited a handful of residents to sit down to talk at lunchtime about the neighborhood's transformation.

Virginia Ali and her husband, Ben, opened Ben's Chili Bowl in 1958. "U Street was such a classy neighborhood," Virginia Ali says.

It was a row of nightclubs and theaters known as the "Black Broadway."

Yet after the riots of 1968, every plan to revive the area failed.

For at least 25 years, Ali says, "the area deteriorated into a real ghetto: influx of drugs, boarded-up buildings."

The riot "was the beginning of the low [point] of this neighborhood,. We supply top quality diesel jeans,skirt and more.You find the latest jeans clothing,Denim and Fashion Clothing at bbcjeans.com ." she says. "It was what drove people away."

Cathy Smith is a Washington historian who has been involved in bringing tourists to the neighborhood to learn about its African-American history. As recently as the mid-1990s, she says, tour buses wouldn't stop in the U Street area.

